Save money every day ! Our iPhone app and iPad app with push notification are available on the App Store
Find here every day a summary of the best recently free iPhone apps hand-picked for you by staff. And when we find some good deals, we also mention top apps currently on sale. You can also follow us on twitter or Facebook
Best iPhone apps deals
- Sorcery :
4.99-> $.99 , for iPhone and iPad
- Sorcery! 2 :
4.99-> $.99 for iPhone and iPad
- Sorcery! 3 :
4.99-> $.99 , for iPhone and iPad
- Hitman GO :
4.99-> $.99 for iPhone and iPad
- Implosion – Never Lose Hope :
9.99-> $4.99 for iPhone and iPad
- Infinity Blade :
6.99-> $.99 for iPhone and iPad
- Riptide GP: Renegade :
9.99-> $2.99 for iPhone and iPad
Recently free iPhone apps :
Important note : please, be carefull, all the apps mentionned below were free when we wrote this post, their price may have changed depending when you read this so always check the price before downloading from the App Store ! We won’t be held responsible for any mistake since … You are the one hitting the button 😉
- Runtastic Push Ups PRO : Want to push yourself to do 100 push-ups? That’s ambitious, but we’re convinced you can do it! The Runtastic Push-Ups app is the ideal companion as it turns your iPhone/iPad into your PERSONAL TRAINER, for iPhone and iPad
- Intervals : Build any kind of workout plan, from HIIT to Yoga exercises., for iPhone and iPad
- let’s led : turns your iphone/ipad into an ticker display. a time clock, and with over 100 symbol, you can send any message you want., for iPhone and iPad
- Pointillisted : generates pointillist artwork using images from the Photo Library , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad
- MovieSpirit : combine all media elements such as video, photo, music, text and voice with your creative ideas, for iPhone and iPad
- Altimeter i6 : a useful application for tourists, travelers, alpinists, mountain-skiers and snowboarders, as well as for those who venture to fly in an aircraft.
- MicSwap : A full mic locker in your pocket. , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad
- Cassette Gold : a cassette player emulator
- Altimeter Pro A.C.T : for folks who care for hiking and biking in mountainous terrain , ranked 4 stars on the US App Store
Recently free iPhone and iPod touch games :
- Yakin : short races across eight rivers, for iPhone and iPad
- cat&line2 : run a cat running on the line which I drew , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store
- cat&line : V1 of the previous game
- 2 Things at Once : This intelligence test is created with the help of outstanding psychologists, and you can freely test test your skills in many areas of human thought. , ranked 4 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad