Save money every day ! Our iPhone app and iPad app with push notification are available on the App Store
Find here every day a summary of the best recently free iPhone apps hand-picked for you by staff. And when we find some good deals, we also mention top apps currently on sale. You can also follow us on twitter or Facebook and by mail :
Best iPhone apps deals
- Deus Ex : The fall :
6.99-> $2.99 for iPhone and iPad
- Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour :
6.99-> $.99 for iPhone and iPad
- Spy VS Spy :
2.99-> $.99 for iPhone and iPad
- San Juan :
6.99-> $.99 for iPhone and iPad
- Joe Danger :
2.99-> $.99 for iPhone and iPad
Recently free iPhone and iPod Touch apps :
Important note : please, be carefull, all the apps mentionned below were free when we wrote this post, their price may have changed depending when you read this so always check the price before downloading from the App Store ! We won’t be held responsible for any mistake since … You are the one hitting the button 😉
- World Flight Pro : The best all-in-one & professional App of Flight Tracking. With this ONLY ONE App, you can not only easily search and follow any flights in your personal list, but also quickly track nearly 17,000 airports and 100,000 flights all around the world!
- Kwit : Have you recently quit smoking, or been wanting to quit? Kwit is exactly what you need!
- mixRadio : mixRadio let you listen and record more than 10 000 internet radio station from all around the world.
- FileApp ( Gestionnaire de Fichiers ) : FileApp will let you store files and folders on your iOS device just like Windows Explorer or the Finder on the Mac., for iPhone and iPad
- Zitrr Camera : You might want to take photos that never come out blurred – no matter how you click them or get your iPhone to automatically take photos for you exactly when you want it.
- Lil’ Red : This interactive storybook is a unique interpretation of classic tale of “Little Red Riding Hood”. Everything is told exclusively through animation, music, and interactivity – so kids and parents can tell the story in their own way without the use of text or narration., for iPhone and iPad
Recently free iPhone and iPod touch games :
- WarCom: Shootout : In the year 2025, apocalyptic resource shortages have made dog-eat-dog brutality the law of the land. Good thing there are still plenty of bullets to go around. So grab your weapon of choice and take on your friends (and foes) in the ultimate online shootout!, for iPhone and iPad
- Pandoodle : Relaxing and addictive. If you like having an awesome game to play anytime, you will love Pandoodle., for iPhone and iPad
- Elastic Me : Elastic Me is a new infinite runner game with an unique gameplay !
- MotoHeroz : great game from Ubisoft