Find here every day a summary of the best recently free iPhone apps hand-picked for you by staff. And when we find some good deals, we also mention top apps currently on sale.
Best iPhone deals
FINAL FANTASY II : 8.99 -> $4.99
Secret of Mana : 8.99 -> $6.99
FINAL FANTASY : 8.99 -> $4.99
Infinity Blade : 5.99 -> $2.99 for iPhone and iPad
CHAOS RINGS omega : 11.99 -> $8.99
CRYSTAL DEFENDERS : 7.99 -> $3.99
FIFA 11 : 4.99 -> $.99
Eternal Legacy : 4.99 -> $.99
Asphalt 6: Adrenaline : 4.99 -> $.99
Assassin’s Creed™ – Altaïr’s Chronicles : 4.99 -> $.99
Gangstar: West Coast Hustle : 4.99 -> $.99
Recently free iPhone and iPod Touch apps :
Important note : please, be carefull, all the apps mentionned below were free when we wrote this post, their price may have changed depending when you read this so always check the price before downloading from the App Store ! We won’t be responsible for any mistake since … It ‘s you who push the button 😉- Screen Item – Home Screen & Lock Screen Wallpapers : well-designed wallpapers of Screen Item optimized for iPhone & iPod touch. All images support both normal display (480 by 320 resolution) and Retina display (960 by 640 resolution) , ranked stars on the US App Store
- PopPrint : You can print following types of “High Definition” documents with PopPrint, Photo Memo (take or select photo and write memo), Map Memo (select place and print it for a party notice), Line Note, Graph Papers, Ruler Paper, Thumbnail book, Music score, etc…
- Blasphemous RSS Reader : simple RSS reader for the iPhone. Add your favorite RSS feeds to your library and follow on the go. Individual articles are launched in the application, and does not quit to Safari. Simple interface greys out old previously viewed articles so you can tell if you have already read it. , ranked stars on the US App Store
- Simple RPN Calculator : Simple RPN combines the most essential RPN features with the same stack behavior found in HP calculators. The calculator works in either portrait or landscape mode, supports international number formats, and has continuous memory for all registers, for iPhone and iPad
- RichContacts : integrate Facebook in your contact app
Recently free iPhone and iPod touch games :
- Blockado Jungle : puzzle game for casual and advanced players, but beware: highly addictive! Easy to learn, but hard to master. The goal: move the treasure chest to the exit field.The rule: blocks can only be moved lengthwise , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store

- Groove Pillars: All Seasons : Collect precious gems, harvest juicy fruits or gather Christmas toys in this visually stunning and highly addictive puzzle game. Master your logic and strategic skills to earn much of extra score. Enjoy fun and easy yet challenging time-racing or relaxing gameplay. , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store

- iTraceur – Parkour / Freerunning Platform Game : Parkour ( the art of displacement, freerunning ) is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one’s path by adapting one’s movements to the environment. Traceur (freerunner) is the practitioner of parkour. In this game you control a traceur, making his way through the city., for iPhone and iPad

- Fire scene : control and guide the falling water droplets into the fire.Extinguish the fire needs 5 drops. , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store

- This is Pong : simple PONG for iPhone/iPod/iPad. You can play versus computer or versus your friends.