Recently free iPad apps

Free : Our iPhone app and iPad app with push notification are available on the App Store

Find here every day a summary of the best recently free iPhone apps hand-picked for you by staff. And when we find some good deals, we also mention top apps currently on sale. You can also follow us on twitter or Facebook and by mail :

Best deals on iPad apps

Recently free iPad apps :

Important note : please, be carefull, all the apps mentionned below were free when we wrote this post, their price may have changed depending when you read this so always check the price before downloading from the App Store ! We won’t be held responsible for any mistake since … You are the one hitting the button 😉

  • Clone Magic : Clone Yourself, Split Pic, Clone Camera and Air Pic Maker for SnapChat, Tumblr, Kik Messenger and Flickr, for iPhone and iPad
  • Astro 3D+ : StarMap 3D+ portable star atlas for beginners or advanced astronomers., for iPhone and iPad
  • Reverser : Use Reverser to quickly and easily make hilarious backward videos. Simply record a new video or pick any video from your library and Reverser takes care of the rest. , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad
  • Cloud Opener : simple one button approach to Upload, Browse, Open, Move or Delete documents from your iCloud Drive., for iPhone and iPad
  • Survivalpedia : Military and Wilderness Survival Field Manuals, for iPhone and iPad

Recently free iPad games :

free iPhone app Linkin Park Recharge - Wastelands

  • Walking Dead: The Game – Season 2 : The sequel to 2012’s Game of the Year continues the story of Clementine, a young girl orphaned by the undead apocalypse, for iPhone and iPad

free iPhone app Walking Dead: The Game - Season 2

free iPhone app Pool Swap HD

  • Monster Slice HD : Quick, a Monster is coming your way! Slice it , ranked 4 stars on the US App Store

free iPhone app Monster Slice HD

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