Recently free iPad Apps on the US App Store

Find here every day a summary of the best recently free iPad apps hand-picked for you by staff. And when we find some good deals, we also mention top apps currently on sale. You can follow us on twitter or Facebook

Best deals on iPad apps

Recently free iPad apps :

Important note : please, be carefull, all the apps mentionned below were free when we wrote this post, their price may have changed depending when you read this so always check the price before downloading from the App Store ! We won’t be held responsible for any mistake since … You are the one hitting the button 😉

  • ArcFrame : elps you combine multiple photos into beautiful arc shaped framed photo. Instead of plain rectangular framed photo, you can build beautiful arc shaped framed photo. The arc shape adjustment is so flexible that you can build your own beautiful frame layout very easily. By combining arc shaped frame layout with rounded corner, margin width, background color, background pattern and custom background, you can create very beautiful and unique result., for iPhone and iPad

  • QuickEvent : save time and therefore money, taking up a quick appointment and anywhere, whether by car, subway, bicycle and all that with one finger, for iPhone and iPad

  • Maven Web Browser : Maven is a web browser that supports extended features including save password, dual screen, user agent, Desktop-like track-pad support, bookmark jog-dial, reader, unlimited tabs and much more!!!, for iPhone and iPad

Recently free iPad games :

  • Ring Toss 3D : game of skill and grace patterned on the ring-toss games that have long been popular at county fairs, carnivals, and arcades. You toss a metallic ring toward set of standing targets across the room or a few feet away, winning points every time that you land the ring around one of the targets (typically bottles, cans, or some other kind of cylinders). Ring Toss recreates the look and feel of this game for your device. , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad

free iPhone app Ring Toss 3D
  • Le Pendu Deluxe HD : With its 4 beautifully designed themes, 3 languages (English, Spanish & French), 3 different levels and hundreds of words to guess, this hangman game brings you much more than any other available hangman app.

free iPhone app Le Pendu Deluxe HD
  • Supersonic HD : adrenaline-charged, music-driven 3D ride game. Blaze through radiant neon racing circuits at ever faster speeds, accompanied by electronic beats from Finnish artist collective Kitkaliitto. The ultimate challenge comes in the 30-second Blitz mode with speed boosts, time extends and other special collectibles.

free iPhone app Supersonic HD
  • Elements+ Maze : ill you brave the fires and withstand the ice to win the prize at the end of this multi-floor labyrinth? , ranked 5 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad

free iPhone app Elements+ Maze

and a few other games :

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