Find here every day a summary of the best recently free iPhone apps hand-picked for you by staff. And when we find some good deals, we also mention top apps currently on sale. You can follow us on twitter or Facebook
Best iPhone deals
4.99-> $.99 , ranked 5 stars on the US App Store for iPhone and iPad
- Monkey Island Tales 2 :
6.99-> $2.99
- Monkey Island Tales 3 :
6.99-> $2.99
- Monkey Island Tales 4 :
6.99-> $2.99
Recently free iPhone and iPod Touch apps :
Important note : please, be carefull, all the apps mentionned below were free when we wrote this post, their price may have changed depending when you read this so always check the price before downloading from the App Store ! We won’t be held responsible for any mistake since … You are the one hitting the button 😉
- Netrobe : NETROBE for iPhone is the easiest way to manage your clothes and share your style with friends.
- HiCalc PRO – 12 Calculators in One : HiCalc PRO is an ultimate calculator and will make all your calculations become simpler than ever with 12 calculators: Basic, Scientific, Currency Converter, Unit Converter, Finance, Date – Time, Constants, Equation Solver, Statistics, Base conversion, Graph & Tip calculator.
- Turbo Charger Pro : Turbo Charger Pro is a pro version of Turbo Charger (Free). It supports iPad. Check out the rave reviews of Turbo Charger and save charging time!
- Grocery List – Buy Me a Pie! : How many times have you returned from a store only to realize you’ve forgotten something? This beautifully designed app allows you to make lists and sync it with your family’s iOS devices so they can add items on the go, for iPhone and iPad
- PixelWorks : 41 filters for your pictures, for iPhone and iPad
- MediaBurner – Tube Video Downloader : allows you watch/download Music Videos, Film & Animation, TV Shows, and tons of videos from Youtube, Dailymotion, Veoh and lots of other video sites.
- Nostalgio : express your creativity and make professionally looking photo collages in minutes. With a large variety of frame templates, thoroughly selected border styles, effects and other editing options, for iPhone and iPad
Recently free iPhone and iPod touch games :
- Mafia Rush : Mafia Rush is the gangster game you have been waiting for. With unique visuals, deep and dynamic gameplay as well as a ton of items and weapons to unlock, Mafia Rush is the Don of the genre.
- Boost 2 : among the iPhone tunnel games, Boost is king , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad
- Monster Magic : Guide twelve crazy monsters through mystical worlds in Monster Magic! , ranked 4,5 stars on the US App Store, for iPhone and iPad